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5G WiFi Pet Feeder for Two Cats or Dogs with Remote Control

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Inscrit le: 22 Mar 2021
Messages: 77

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 14, 2025 11:02 pm    Sujet du message: 5G WiFi Pet Feeder for Two Cats or Dogs with Remote Control Répondre en citant

The WOPET Heritage Air HA10DP is an automatic pet feeder designed to cater to the feeding needs of two cats or small dogs. With a substantial 6-liter capacity, it minimizes the frequency of refills, ensuring your pets remain well-fed even when you're not around.

Dual Feeding Bowls: Equipped with two stainless steel bowls, the HA10DP ensures even distribution of food, reducing the chances of competition between pets.

Wi-Fi Connectivity: Compatible with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi networks, this feeder allows you to manage and adjust feeding schedules remotely via the WOPET Life App, available for both iOS and Android devices.

Customizable Feeding Schedules: You can program up to 10 meals per day, with each meal consisting of 1-20 portions, allowing for precise control over your pet's diet.

Instant Notifications: The feeder sends notifications when your pet has been fed and alerts you when the food level is low, ensuring timely refills and consistent feeding.

Freshness Preservation: The feeder features a self-sealing mechanism after each use to prevent pests and maintain food freshness. It also has an automatic anti-jam function to ensure uninterrupted feeding.

Backup Power: In addition to the main power supply, the HA10DP supports battery operation, lasting up to 7 days, ensuring your pets are fed even during power outages.

For more detailed information and purchasing options, you can visit the official WOPET product page.
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